U, de petitionaris

Red bijen en boeren

De bio-industrie leidt niet alleen tot massaal dierenleed, maar doet de natuur ook verdwijnen in ongekende vaart. De afhankelijkheid van kunstmatige pesticiden veroorzaakt een veldslag onder wilde bijen, vlinders en vogels. Tegelijkertijd verslechteren de arbeidsomstandigheden van boeren zodat veel boeren gedwongen worden op te schalen of te stoppen. De afgelopen jaren zijn vier miljoen boeren in de EU al gestopt. We moeten deze vicieuze cirkel stoppen. De EU moet snel belangrijke besluiten nemen over hoe het gemeenschappelijk landbouwbeleid eruit moet zien.

Doe iets en red de bijen en de boeren. Teken nu het Europees Burgerinitiatief 'Red bijen en boeren'! www.bijenstichting.nl/savebeesandfarmers



citizens from across Europe


constateren dat:

  • Nearly 40% of the entire EU budget – 300 billion Euros – goes to the large industrial farms. This means that 20 percent of all farms receive 80 percent of the subsidies. It is precisely the small, medium sized and organic farms which are mostly likely to enhance biodiversity, that are being systematically neglected.

  • Within a period of only ten years 4 million of these smaller farms in the EU have been forced to close, while the area and market share of the large industrial farms has correspondingly increased. This has resulted in the number of farms falling from nearly 15 million to less than 11 million. It means that across the EU we have lost 400,000 farms per year, more than 30.000 per month and more 1000 per day. This destructive process is still ongoing.

  • While small and medium-sized farms in the EU have been closing down, large industrial farms have been massively increasing in area and market share.

  • The causes of species loss and the closing of farms are closely connected with the current EU supported model of industrial agriculture which is shaped by the application of pesticides, pressure of global competition and the practice of monoculture.


en verzoeken

  • To reduce synthetic pesticide use incrementally by 80% in EU agriculture by 2030 and completely prohibit it by 2035 in order to protect bees and species diversity.
  • To transform agriculture into a driving force for the re-establishment of biodiversity.
  • To support farmers both professionally and financially in making their vital transition towards a bee friendly and ecological form of agriculture.
  • A re-allocation of agricultural subsidies is needed urgently!

Het antwoord

Sign the European Citizen’s Initiative “Save Bees and Farmers”

Sign now the European Citizen’s Initiative “Save Bees and Farmers” www.savebeesandfarmers.eu

Teken de petitie in het Nederlands op bijenstichting.nl/savebeesandfarmers/


Huidige status

Deze petitie staat niet open om ondertekeningen te verzamelen.



Europese Commissie 
Elders te tekenen 
seven European citizens 
The “Save Bees and Farmers!” European Citizens’ Initiative alliance 




Sign the European Citizen’s Initiative “Save Bees and Farmers”

Sign now the European Citizen’s Initiative “Save Bees and Farmers” www.savebeesandfarmers.eu

Teken de petitie in het Nederlands op bijenstichting.nl/savebeesandfarmers/.
